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News & PR

Protect with BoxCor®

For the best possible product protection, please consider the following when packing:

  • Only pack components that are clean and dry.
  • Wear gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints on the item to be protected.
  • During packing, the components and the surrounding air should have the same temperature (to prevent condensation).
  • Seal the package by welding or with BoxCor® tape.

The VCI protection evaporates out of the packaging material and condenses on the metal surface, where it forms an invisible layer that protects against corrosion. After unpacking, the protection vanishes immediately, and the items can be used straight away – no washing process is necessary.

We also offer desiccant bags, devices for secure sealing and other packaging material.

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More about Corrosion protection


Work environment

One of the major benefits of BoxCor® is the work environment friendliness. 



The plastics processing industry uses plastic pellets as raw material. The material is melted down and shaped into the desired product.


Protect with BoxCor®

The VCI coating evaporates from the material and condenses on the metal surface where it forms an invisible layer.

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