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The plastics processing industry uses plastic pellets as raw material. The material is melted down and shaped into the desired product.

Adding up to 4% VCI additive to the plastic pellets makes the finished product a corrosion-protection product.

Some of the BoxCor® products are manufactured by film blowing. In an extruder, a screw presses the molten plastic through a circular nozzle at the same time as air is blown in. The film bubble is cooled down and wound on to rollers.

1. Plastic raw material

Plastic pellets are mixed with VCI additive and melted down in the extruder.

2. Film bubble

By forcing air into the extruder, the molten plastic forms a film bubble.

3. Winder

The film bubble is cooled, and the finished product is wound up on rollers.

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More about Corrosion protection


Work environment

One of the major benefits of BoxCor® is the work environment friendliness. 



The plastics processing industry uses plastic pellets as raw material. The material is melted down and shaped into the desired product.


Protect with BoxCor®

The VCI coating evaporates from the material and condenses on the metal surface where it forms an invisible layer.

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