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Risk management for FIBC users

FIBC supply system

Most European FIBC users these days have implemented supply systems based on a network of multiple suppliers. In most cases, goods are delivered from India, where more than 60% of the European big bag demand is currently produced.

In 2020, the global Covid-19 situation in India and Bangladesh led to a temporary shutdown of the production sites. The result: The production capacities could not cover the FIBC demand. The supposedly secure supply systems of European customers could not work.

Dual production - A safe solution  

In order to avoid such situations, we have developed an offer that makes you benefit from a continuous supply even in times of crisis:

  • Boxon ensures constant production in 2 different countries (e.g. India, Turkey)
  • The division of the production volume is min. 20% / 80%, other divisions are possible (e.g. 40% / 60%, 50% / 50%)
  • In the event of bottlenecks at one production location, the volume at the second location can be expanded by 200%

Warehousing Service & Warehouse safe+

In addition to the above, we can offer you a permanently constant stock level with our warehousing service - for an immediate and plannable availability of your goods:

  • Boxon ensures a constant stock for your Big Bags under contract, with just-in-time delivery and re-stocking 
  • The stocks are regularly monitored and adjusted on the basis of customer forecasts 
  • Warehouse safe +: In addition to the above-mentioned service, Boxon keeps a stock of 200% of the agreed safety stock

In this way a constant supply can be ensured. 


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