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News & PR

Packing Instructions

To achieve consistent quality and standards, our Packing Instructions service is the best way to achieve precise, correct packing.

Making sure that everyone packs correctly and in the same way ensures a manageable, efficient packing flow.

quote_37x26.png  With informative Packing Instructions, we make packing easier for many of our customers.

Boxon helps you to develop packing instructions that are adapted to the packaging material and the product to be packed.

Benefits of packing instructions

  • High efficiency and secure packing
  • Damage to goods during distribution and transport reduced
  • No delays due to repackaging
  • Everyone packs in the same way
  • Review of and suggested improvements to packing flow
  • Correct packing reduces environmental impact
  • Increased freight optimisation

Different alternatives for Packing Instructions;

  • Pack 1
    A set of instructions, clearly written with text and graphical images, in the form of a document.
  • Pack 2
    Pack 1 + One video with packing instructions
  • Pack 3
    Pack 1 + Packing course on site in the business
  • Pack 4
    Total outsourcing of whole packing operation to Boxon. (Only available in China at present.)

Example of Pack 1 alternative


One week after delivery of the Packing Instructions, Boxon arranges a follow-up meeting to make sure that the instructions are working.

Three months after delivery of the Packing Instructions, Boxon arranges a follow-up meeting to make sure that the desired results have been achieved, such as reduced complaints, higher efficiency, etc. The results are documented by Boxon.

info-ikon.jpg  The packaging material described in the Packing Instructions must be supplied by Boxon.

Download Packing instructions Service sheet.

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