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Design and Prepress

Our Design & Prepress department focuses on your image and design to make the labels that best embody your brand. We offer unique labelling and marking concept solutions with a focus on design.

quote_37x26.png  Label design is becoming increasingly important. Since the label often is part of the product, it needs to be highly recognizable.

We design the graphics, with or without the customer’s agency. This means that we can offer a complete package — all the way from the design phase to delivering finished labels. As a customer, you don't need to look for another partner for the design parts. Therefore, we can guarantee customer-unique values such as lower total costs, attractive labels, intelligent labelling, short and fast delivery times and holistic concepts for maximal business value.

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Why Boxon Design?

There are great advantages to getting the graphic work done by a packaging specialist. Since we know all about the latest printing technology, your design will make full use of all relevant techniques. We have a lot of knowledge about materials, and always focus on function. We have extensive experience of various labelling regulations in industries such as industry, logistics and food.

quote_37x26.png  Use us as a resource to discuss your label needs right from the start. By doing this, we can align our processes and achieve outstanding end results.


We help small and large companies — with small and large assignments. A new company may need help with the design for a product launch. While a large company may need a print original quickly in accordance with its current graphic profile. And a growing company may want to take its packaging to the next level. Usually, you have an idea about how your label should look. Our goal is to ensure an effective end product by bringing together every part, including crucial information about how the label will be used.

Examples of what we can help you with:

  • Label design — from idea to print original
  • Corrugated box design
  • Mockups / Product images
  • Image retouching
  • Illustrations
  • Printing originals with variable data
  • Printing technical advice
  • Visual identity
    • Logos
    • Typography selection
    • Colour and image style

How we work

Good source materials plays an important role in achieving the desired end result. We start with a meeting where we map out the customer’s conditions. We discuss purpose, function, the brand's role, type of packaging, what message the packaging should convey, competitors, target group, keywords and expectations. This is a very important step, as we will check the design against these conditions throughout the entire process. And when we have a clear picture of what needs to be done, we can present a quote.


The next step is to find out what the industry in question looks like, from a graphical standpoint. It is important to find your own expression and clearly differentiate yourself from your competitors.

Thumbnail sketch

Using a pen and paper, we get started on visualising our ideas. Different layouts are drawn up, and then we decide which ones are worth pursuing.


A couple of strong proposals are drawn up in Illustrator.

Mockup (product image)

The design is placed on the packaging in question for a realistic mockup of the end result. The proposal is sent to the customer, and after any adjustments the design will be ready for printing.


We focus on adding value for our customers

Your label can be an integral part of your ERP system and also traceable in a logistics system. We deliver technical solutions that simplify information logistics and data capture with products such as barcode readers, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and terminals for wireless communication. 

The labels we produce are fully tailored to market demands and needs — regardless whether these call for product identification labels, self-adhesive labels, hang tags, foldable labels, pin packs, box labels, shelf edge labels or pallet labels.

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