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Complete Range
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News & PR

Machine Service

Downtime costs money. The best way to avoid it is to prevent it.
Regular, scheduled machine service minimises unnecessary and
expensive operational disruption. We offer preventive and emergency service, as well as several different contract and package
options relating to Machine Service.

quote_37x26.png  With Machine Service from Boxon, you invest in your plant, take control over your operating costs and improve your production.

Our service and support offering varies, depending on machine and
marking equipment. Just like our packaging machines and label printers are of high quality, our service and support functions are at the same level.

Machine service

Benefits of machine service

  • Increased safety and peace of mind in production
  • Reduced risk of operational disruption
  • Lower operating costs
  • Dedicated service team with high levels of knowledge and

Our experienced service and support team provides service on site or by phone/remote control.

A service agreement reduces maintenance costs and increases safety and peace of mind for you as a customer. In other words it minimises the risk of downtime, which is extremely expensive and also frustrating.

You can contact us by phone or email as follows:
Tel: 020 – 33 30 10


Boxon’s Machine Service is about optimising performance in every single part and component in a packaging and marking chain, throughout its entire useful life. A preventive maintenance schedule is planned by agreement and we are on site promptly in the event of serious faults. In the event of an operational shutdown, we can in some cases offer replacement machines for hire.

Service agreements can be signed at different levels in order to satisfy maintenance needs and to guarantee functions in the equipment.

newproduct2 (1) (1).png If service is needed on any machine or marking equipment supplied by Boxon and there is no service agreement, the service can be offered on a consultancy basis, i.e. the time for the service is planned based on the service schedule of our service technicians.

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