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Label management

Order-based label management saves time, reduces costs and improves safety. These are some of the benefits of our global labelling system, Tracy. It enables you, the customer, to print product information on the right label at the right time, in the right quantity and for the right supplier. 

quote_37x26.png  We don’t just create labels – we create intelligent and sustainable labelling solutions.


Transparency, traceability and sustainability 

The ordering process must be efficient, transparent, traceable and reliable throughout the value chain. We make every product easy to locate/track via intelligent labelling, whether it’s a pallet, one or more packages or a single pair of jeans. 

Sustainability has long been important in the labelling and packaging industry. And right now, when consumers want to know how products affect the environment and health, it’s crucial. Consumers expect brands to assume responsibility and be totally transparent about the sustainability of products, labelling and packaging. 

The Tracy concept is continuously evaluated, developed and expanded. In carrying out this work, we consider customer needs, technological innovation and regulatory changes. 

Read more about our global labelling system – Tracy and see the movie about Tracy.

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