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Things you should consider before choosing a label for your product

When you are about to choose a label for your product, it is important to consider a number of factors. A label can influence the customer's purchase decision, contribute to building your brand identity and ensure that the product meets all legal requirements. As a label plays a crucial role in communicating important information about the product, it is important to consider the following:

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1. Purpose of the label

Before choosing label, you should think about the purpose. A label can have several  functions, for example, it must provide information about the product's ingredients, country of origin, environmental impact or sustainability measures. Labels can also help you build your brand and help you create a connection between your product and the consumer. When designing or choosing your label, it is important to keep these purposes in mind.


2. What material should the label stick to?

To ensure that the label suits the packaging and sticks properly, you need to think about the material of the product. Different materials require different types of glue and label paper to give the best results. It is important for you to consider what material the packaging is made of, for example plastic, glass, metal, paper or cardboard? Select a label that is compatible with the material.

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3. Durability - What will the label be exposed to?

Another aspect to consider is the durability of the label since it affects the type of environment and conditions the label can withstand. What temperature, humidity level and mechanical impact the label may be exposed to during transport, storage and use. To ensure it can withstand these conditions, it is important to choose the right surface layer and adhesive.


4. Format - Size and shape?

Size and shape are critical to creating a visually appealing and informative look for the label. How much information do you need to include on the label and how does this fit with the surface of the packaging. Also think about how the shape of the label affects the aesthetics and feel free to experiment with unusual shapes or cutouts to create a unique design that will be memorable for the consumer.

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5. Application - Before or after the package is filled?

Finally, you need to consider when the label should be applied. If the label is applied before the package is filled, it is important that it can withstand any impact and temperature changes that may occur during the filling process. If you on the other hand apply the label after the package has been filled, you must ensure that the label adheres properly despite any unevenness or residue that may appear on the surface of the package. Make sure you choose the right glue and label material as this needs to be consistent with the product and packaging process.


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To summarize, it is of great importance to choose the right label for your product. It is essential to ensure that it fulfills its purpose and provides an attractive and professional appearance.

By carefully considering the label's purpose, material selection, durability, format and application time, you can create a label that meets all requirements and reinforces your brand's message. And remember, a well-designed label not only provides important information to your consumer, but also helps to create a positive customer experience, which can lead to increased sales.


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