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Netthandelsgruppen AS

Packaging solutions for Norwegian
e-commerce giant Netthandelsgruppen AS

Norwegian e-commerce company Netthandelsgruppen is one of the biggest in Norway. A company that continues to increase its sales at a rapid rate.


Netthandelsgruppen operates the well-known online shops, and is the biggest and most successful site, where you can find everything in the field of exercise, diet and healthy lifestyles. In 2020, Netthandelsgruppen had doubled its turnover, and it expects to reach NOK 300 million by the end of the year. In 2019 the company’s turnover was NOK 150 million.

Packaging solutions for Netthandelsgruppen

Major focus on expansion

Until now, the company had only one Norwegian warehouse in Ryen, Oslo. But after a year of vast expansion, it is now necessary to increase capacity. The plan is to send goods all over the whole world from the new warehouse.

Over the past year, we’ve seen enormous growth and have not had enough physical space. has the biggest growth in Norway, but Comfyballs is also experiencing strong growth in Sweden and abroad. Netthandelsgruppen will therefore set up a base in Sweden and serve all Swedish customers from the new warehouse.  

Since 1 June 2020, Netthandelsgruppen has had a partnership agreement with Boxon regarding packaging solutions.


Customer challenge

Netthandelsgruppen needed everything in the area of packaging.

 We buy almost everything in the area of packaging from Boxon, i.e. labels, tape, stretch film, bubble wrap and also everything when it comes to packaging and corrugated cardboard. We’re extremely satisfied, says Johan Nordström, Logistics Manager at Netthandelsgruppen, suggesting further and extended collaboration in the future.

 As of now, Netthandelsgruppen is buying all its packaging from us apart from e-commerce bags, which we’re still working on,  says Frank Vee, Boxon’s sales contact for Netthandelsgruppen. He continues: From June until now, they’ve ordered a large number of packages from us, and this will also increase in the future.

E-commerce boxes to

Boxon’s solution

We presented several different solutions to the e-commerce giant.

The most popular packaging item is a quick bottom box for the online shop A quick bottom box does not need to be taped and can be adjusted in height, which means that no filling material is required. When the solution was tested, they were so satisfied that the company ordered a large number right away. Another product we have developed is a combined standard and modular box for drinks trays. This solution is being developed even more now, with printing and a quick solution for faster packaging time.

quote_37x26.png They’re extremely creative and innovative, and wanted a business partner that could help them become even better. Which we’ve tried to live up to as much as possible, says Frank Vee.

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