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News & PR


SoliferPolar AB, Dorotea

SoliferPolar is a merger of the Finnish company Solifer and the Swedish company Polar. Polar Caravans has been building caravans in Dorotea in Norrland since 1964.


Customer challenge

The front and rear sections of the new Polar Caravans are made from ABS plastic. These are also spare parts that can be ordered for delivery from the warehouse in Dorotea, to be sent to various partners and service workshops. Previous deliveries were done by the spare parts warehouse building a wooden support frame by hand and then putting corrugated packaging around it. This was both expensive and time-consuming work.


Boxon’s solution

At the start of the project, it was confirmed that the plastic components had almost the same width. The depth of the products didn't differ too much either. However, the products did have heigh variations. This is why a box packaging solution with a telescopic function was created. The box consists of two halves that fit together. In this way, the packaging fits the entire width of products that the Polar Caravans sends.

The outer box was also the perfect place to display the POLAR Caravans logo – POLAR Made In Norrland.


The partnership

The partnership between SoliferPolar and Boxon began back in 2006, and since then we have continued to work together to streamline and develop packaging solutions. We have a long-term approach that leaves room for creativity, thus satisfying both parties.

Erik Sundin at SoliferPolar:

quote_37x26.png Now we can pack more than twice as fast at less than half the cost. What else can I say? 

quote_37x26.png Successful results don't just fall from the sky. They come from a joint commitment, where we are given space to ruminate on ideas. This would not have been possible without the commitment shown by the staff at SoliferPolar," concludes Mikael Karlsson, Account Manager at Boxon.

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