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Complete Range
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Value Adding Focus
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Complete Range
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Value Adding Focus
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News & PR

UN Global Compact

We are a signatory to the UN Global Compact's 10 principles on human rights, working conditions, the environment and anti-corruption, and we are committed to working towards the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

In addition, we are committed to doing our part in reaching the Paris Agreement – limiting global warming to 1.5°C, compared to pre-industrial levels, which is why we have joined the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).


Commitment to Agenda 2030 and selected SDGs

Boxon is involved in the 17 SDGs and Agenda 2030. We have chosen to focus on SDGs that are important for our business and where Boxon can have a significant impact.

  • SDG 13 Climate action
    We will reduce our CO₂e with the ambition of becoming climate neutral in accordance with the Science Based Targets.
  • SDG 12 Responsible consumption and production 
    More sustainable products and articles based on post-consumer recycled material.
  • SDG 15 Life on Land
    Boxon’s ambition is to mobilise sustainable forestry together with our suppliers and customers by offering FSC certified products.

  • SDG 5 Gender Equality
    Boxon works to achieve an even gender distribution and diversity at all levels of the company.
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