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Complete Range
light bulb icon
Wide Knowledge
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Value Adding Focus
Icon / Unknown / shopping-cartCreated with Sketch.
Complete Range
Wide Knowledge
Value Adding Focus
Icon / Unknown / shopping-cartCreated with Sketch.
News & PR

How we work

We place high demands on ourselves when it comes to our responsibility as a company. We are responsible for everyone who is directly or indirectly affected by our operations, for the possible environmental impact of our products, and for our compliance with ethical principles in business relations. 

Boxon has identified the most important topics for our business operations as the following:

  • Sustainability performance of products and solutions
  • Product design and lifecycle management
  • Greenhouse gas emissions
  • Sustainable supply chain
  • Workforce diversity and inclusion

These topics are the foundation of our strategy's focus areas.



Our sustainability strategy

In 2022, a new sustainability strategy was developed, which focused on the following cornerstones:

  • Sustainable packaging solutions
  • Climate & circularity
  • Fairness & equality


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Social engagement and activities in society

Boxon makes annual contributions to organisations that work with some of the world’s many sustainability challenges, such as:

  • UNICEF – EUR 5000 donations to children in need of humanitarian assistance.
  • Gold sponsor of the non-profit organisation Team Rynkeby.
  • Sponsors of OV Helsingborg and Helsingborg IF, who organise sports camps every year.
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Code of Conduct

We have a Code of Conduct, which clearly describes the behaviour we expect from our employees and our business partners, and the results of our work are summarised in our Sustainability Report.

  • The environment
  • Human and labour rights
  • Ethics
  • Supply chain

It is mandatory for all suppliers to commit to and sign our Code of Conduct, and the requirements for all suppliers are evaluated.


Code of Conduct 2022
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