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News & PR

Sustainable products

We believe that sustainable packaging should be renewable, reusable or recyclable – to ensure that packaging materials are recycled at the end of their shelf life.

Criteria for getting our Sustainable products label:

  • Corrugated cardboard & paper – FSC & recycled
  • Plastic – min. 80% recycled material and/or bio-based raw materials
  • Wood – FSC or PEFC certifications
  • Labels – paper from FSC, plastic from bio-based raw materials, textile from recycled polyester



Definition Paper and Corrugated

General definition

The true value of the forest is fully recognized and integrated into communi­ties around the world. FSC® is the leading driving force for improved forestry and market development, which turns the trend in the world’s forests towards sustainable use, conservation, and respect for all.

Boxon's definition

To be defined as a sustainable product, we require the following:

  • Supplier must be FSC certified.
  • Delivery note and invoice must contain FSC certificate number.
  • It must be possible to recycle the product.
  • We recommend that the product is labelled with the FSC logo in accordance with the FSC standard, as well as a recycling symbol.
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Definition Plastic

General definition

According to the new plans, all plastic packaging in the EU market will be recyclable by 2030. The consumption of single-use plastic will be reduced, and the intentional use of microplastics will be limited.

Boxon's definition

To be defined as a sustainable product, we require the following:

  • The product should be made with at least 80% recycled material.
  • The product must be made from bio-based raw materials, such as pine oil or sugar cane base.


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Definition Wood

General definition

The true value of the forest is well-known and integrated into communities around the world. FSC ® is the driving force behind improved forestry and market development, and they ensure that the world’s forests move towards more sustainable development, that they are preserved, and that there is respect for everything. PEFC is the world’s largest certification system for sustainable forestry.

Boxon's definition

To be defined as a sustainable product, we require the following:

  • The supplier should be certified according to FSC or PEFC
  • The product should be marked/stamped/treated according to IPPC / ISPM 15 / KD


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Definition Labels

General definition

According to the new plans, all plastic packaging in the EU market will be recyclable by 2030. The consumption of single-use plastic will be reduced, and the intentional use of microplastics will be limited.

Boxon's definition

To be defined as a sustainable product, we require the following:

  • the supplier must be certified according to FSC ® (paper)
  • the product must be made of bio-based raw materials, such as pine oil or sugar cane base (plastic)
  • the product should only be made of recycled polyester material (textile).


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