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Packaging made from recycled PET-bottles

Winner of the 5th PackTheFuture-Awards 

With the manufacture of Big Bags from used PET-bottles in Indonesia, Boxon aims to reduce the environmental impact of plastic packaging. In this way, quantity of local plastic waste will be reduced and marine pollution avoided. The Big Bags manufactured this way can be returned for recycling again after use. The rPET-Big Bag was awarded the PackTheFuture-Award 2020 in the category "Social benefit". The Award is based on an initiative of the ELIPSO, French association for plastic packaging and flexible packaging and IK Industry Association Plastic Packaging e.V.

Reduce plastic waste to get cleaner water

From the used PET-bottle to the finished Big Bag 

The PET bottles are collected in Indonesia and taken to local collection points. The PET bottles are then taken from the collection points to the further processing plants. All the steps in further processing take place there in the same facility: After the bottles have been sorted by colour, they are first spin-dried and initial impurities are removed. In this, the bottles and caps are automatically separated. The sorted bottles are then shredded to turn them into PET flakes. These are hot-washed again and then processed into ribbons which are then finally used for production of Big Bags.

About 25 1.5 l bottles are processed to yield 1 kg of woven recycled PET. An average 2-kg Big Bag manufactured in this way thus consists of about 50 PET bottles. A Big Bag contains a total of 96 % R-PET, only 4 % of the materials used comes from additives. Since PET does not begin to melt unti 250 degrees, the R-PET Big Bags are especially suitable for being filled with hot substances.

Reuse of plastic bottles

A climate-friendly solution

By recycling for Big-Bag production, marine pollution is reduced and the CO2 footprint of the FIBC is kept low. Overall, the R-PET Big Bags have several positive effects on the environment:  

- avoidance of marine pollution
- effective re-use of PET-bottles
- fewer resources used
- Up to 25% less CO2 emissions
- PET can be recycled and re-processed several times with no degradation of properties

All the steps from sorting and cleaning of the bottles through processing to manufacture of Big Bags take place in the same facility: That means short routes requiring no transport or additional packaging.

Find out more about the Recycled PET-Big Bags in our brochure

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