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CO2e calculation

A CO2e product calculator has been developed and verified by the third party, MyClimate. It is one of the main tools for mapping the emissions connected to our products. We have implemented the CO2e calculation on selected products, and it will cover 85% of our sales by the beginning of 2023.

The stated value for each product indicates the approximate emission per unit in grammes of carbon dioxide equivalents. We would like to emphasise that this value should be seen as a reference value, with the primary purpose of facilitating a comparison between the products we offer.


What is CO2e?

The stated value of each item in Boxon’s range shows the approximate emissions per unit in grammes of carbon dioxide equivalents, which is abbreviated to “CO2e”. CO2e is a measure of greenhouse gas emissions. Different greenhouse gases contribute to the greenhouse effect at varying degrees. The term CO2e provides a common measure of all different greenhouse gas emissions and their impact on the climate.

Why do we report CO2e per item?

We want to empower our customers to make conscious choices. CO2e per item provides a reference value, with the main purpose of facilitating a comparison between the products we offer. It is important to be aware that CO2e is only one of several environmental parameters for evaluating a product. Other aspects to consider include whether the packaging can be recycled effectively, or whether there is a risk of the packaging ending up in nature.

How have we calculated CO2e per item?

Our method of measuring CO2e covers the product's entire life cycle, from raw material to "product end of life".

The method is approved by the independent organisation, MyClimate, and we use CO2e values from impartial sources such as foundations, universities, European packaging networks, and suppliers who are at the forefront of CO2e calculation.

There is currently no uniform method for how to calculate CO2e on products, which means that CO2e for equivalent products can differ between different companies. Calculating emissions is a very complicated process, as there are many processes and many different actors involved, who all use different methods. We have therefore developed a unique method for all materials based on relevant material and logistics parameters, which in turn has been verified by MyClimate.

A comparison of products should always be done using the same method, and naturally we recommend using our model for the best results.


Why do some items lack CO2e, and why do certain values change?

This method allows us to measure CO2e on more than 80% of our products. Defining the correct parameters for each material takes time, and some products made from mixed materials are particularly challenging. We continue to develop and eventually adjust the parameters to always cover more products with higher precision.

Contact us for more information on how to make a sustainable choice.

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