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Every year Boxon’s sustainability work is evaluated by Ecovadis. The leading evaluation system considers aspects such as the environment, working conditions, business responsibility and ethics, as well as sustainable supply chain.

The EcoVadis method is based on internationally adopted principles for sustainability reporting, such as the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), the UN's Global Compact, and ISO:26000. The evaluation is also audited by independent sustainability experts.

For the 2022 financial year, Boxon energy achieved 71 points out of 100 in the ranking, which means that we continue to rank among the top 5 percent of all assessed and comparable companies, and have been awarded EcoVadis Gold.

"This award recognises Boxon’s hard work and commitment towards achieving our sustainability goals, and is a tool for actively working towards the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals", says Ann-Sofie Gunnarsson, CSO at Boxon.

Read the full evaluation of our financial year in the Sustainability Report. If you are interested in our Ecovadis Scorecard, please contact us.

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