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Complete Range
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News & PR

Single-use system

Environmentally friendly single-use system

The Frame Tray system is based on a closed material loop. From producer, via a sub-contractor who packs components, to the OEM manufacturer and then shipped to a nearby recycling centre where used packaging material is ground down and immediately returned for the production of new trays.

  1. Producer
    The production of Frame Trays is adapted to customer needs and sub-contractors' ongoing demand.

  2. Sub-contractor
    The sub-contractor packs the trays with components, which are then sent to the OEM factory.

  3. OEM factory
    The trays are placed on the line and used trays are sent, along with pallets and lids, to a nearby recycling centre.

  4. Recycling centre
    Trays are shredded to granulates and sent back to production facility.
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Our work process

We analyse the flow, volumes and logistics requirements.

Packaging solutions in Frame trays

Innovative packaging solution

Frame trays are primarily used in inflows to engine or car factories.


Efficiency opportunities

We can demonstrate significant savings within the logistics flow.

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