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Complete Range
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Wide Knowledge
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Value Adding Focus
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Complete Range
Wide Knowledge
Value Adding Focus
Icon / Unknown / shopping-cartCreated with Sketch.
News & PR

Our work process

All industries have their distinctive characteristics. The same is true of the automotive industry. Global flows, more stringent demands on sustainability and streamlining in all respects, restrictions, and laws are just a few of the parameters that need to be taken into account. 

With many years of experience and knowledge, our work process ensures that the customers get the right solution:

  1. Analysis and project management
  2. Design and development
  3. Specialised production

Analysis and project management

The earlier we get involved in the process phase of a new product, the greater chance there is of us guaranteeing the most effective solution. We analyse flow, volumes and logistics requirements, to decide whether a single use or a return system is needed. In this way, we can take responsibility for everything.

Design and development

The design and development phase starts with all collected material. Construction drawings and 3D prototypes form the basis for testing and continued development prior to a tool being put into production.

Specialised production

Using unique moulding tool technology, we can replace traditional manufacturing methods at a high level of profitability and even for small series production. This enables testing to be carried out before final fabrication begins, giving our customers an increased degree of certainty.

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Packaging solutions in Frame trays

Innovative packaging solution

Frame trays are primarily used in inflows to engine or car factories.


Single-use system

The Frame Tray system is based on a closed material loop.


Efficiency opportunities

We can demonstrate significant savings within the logistics flow.

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