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Boxon Tech

An innovative partner

Boxon Tech, which is part of the Boxon Group, focuses primarily on the automotive industry and offers cost-effective and environmentally friendly packaging solutions.

By conducting a thorough analysis of the flow chain, combined with creative use of injection-moulding technology, we can work with customers to produce custom made trays that are used as single-use or returnable packaging. By specifically adapting the trays for various vehicle components, we can increase the fill ratio of each packed pallet, thereby reducing transport, handling and packaging costs. 


Injection-moulded packaging contributes to a more environmentally friendly flow

There’s no doubt that everyone - companies, organisations, consumers and individuals alike - needs to contribute to a more environmentally friendly approach. There are many ways of doing things and, by challenging traditional alternatives, new opportunities are opened up.

It is becoming increasingly important that companies’ partners are innovative and push development towards alternatives that, from an environmental perspective, are better. The environment is a complex system, and we all need to take responsibility within our own niche.

We challenge packaging standards

When we challenge and question, we break boundaries. It’s also how we develop. Over the past 10 years, we have challenged packaging standards within the European car industry. Injection-moulded trays both protect engine components and streamline inflow logistics to factories. By questioning standards, great savings can be made within transportation, packaging and handling.

With the Frame tray concept, we have many good examples of how we have halved the number of complete pallets in flows. Full responsibility is taken throughout the flow chain, from production in a clean environment to delivery to sub-contractors worldwide.

“We provide an innovative packaging solution that makes a big difference in the Supply Chain”

We have gone from being a niche concept to actually partnering with some of the biggest manufacturers in the Automotive sector. We have achieved this by continually demonstrating that we can deliver cost savings for our customers, thereby creating long term relationships that benefit both parties.


Please contact us for more information:

Tobias Rasmusson
General Manager

phone-icon.png  +46 (0)70 7187501


Christian Dahlstedt
Key Account Manager

phone-icon.png +46 (0)73 3038741


Suzana Lena
Customer Support

phone-icon.png +46 (0)72 9680794


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Our work process

We analyse the flow, volumes and logistics requirements.

Packaging solutions in Frame trays

Innovative packaging solution

Frame trays are primarily used in inflows to engine or car factories.


Single-use system

The Frame Tray system is based on a closed material loop.


Efficiency opportunities

We can demonstrate significant savings within the logistics flow.

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