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News & PR

Webinar - Sustainability Report

Welcome to this webinar where we present Boxon Group’s Sustainability Report 2022. Focus is on the movements we have done to reduce our CO2e footprint, along with strong customer cases.

We have also invited an external guest to join us - Anders Östlund CEO at Öresundskraft, a leading Swedish energy company, offering sustainable energy- and communication solutions.

Öresundskraft is a collaboration partner to Boxon and we will discuss how smart packaging can contribute to decreased CO2e along with energy efficiency, renewable energy, and various other activities.

Date: 26/5-2023
Time: 13.00-13.45 

We hope you would like to join us in this webinar!

You are more than welcome to invite other colleagues that have an interest in the topic.


Sustainability Report 2022 Boxon Group

Ann-Sofie, Chief Sustainability Officer at Boxon Group

Ann-Sofie will lead the seminar and present our Sustainability Report for 2022. She has run IKEA's sustainability agenda for 12 years and started with us at Boxon last summer.


André Rehnström, Business Developer at Öresundskraft

André Rehnström, is a Business Developer at Öresundskraft, a regional energy company with focus on reaching the goal of net zero when it comes to production, distribution and use of electricity, district heating, district cooling and gas in the Oresund Region.


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