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News & PR

Webinar - Circular Business Models and Circular Design

Welcome to our webinar!

Boxon would like to invite you and your company to our webinar about Circular Business Models and Circular Design. We will, among other things, talk about how we as a company think about circularly in our products.

We are experts in developing customized packaging solutions, which can help your company to become more sustainable and circular.

Date: 10/3-2023
Time: 13.00-13.45

Please note that this webinar will be held in English.

If you want to invite a colleague who might also be interested in our webinar - please forward this invitation.


Ann-Sofie Gunnarsson, Chief Sustainability Officer

Ann-Sofie will lead the seminar and will talk about circular economy regarding materials, products, and services. She has has run IKEA's sustainability agenda for 12 years and started with us at Boxon last summer.


Jonas Lindgren, Packaging Engineer  

For this webinar, we have invited the man "behind" the packaging solutions, Jonas Lindgren. Jonas is Boxon's specialist when it comes to developing packaging and logistics solutions optimized for the entire chain; from production to packing and transport.


Register here!

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