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News & PR

Scan Star to Boxon for brilliant packaging solution


With hard competition and a new record in number of participants in Scanstar 2021 we are happy to announce the LM-Box as winner of “Best new idea/application” in the Transport/Distribution Packaging segment.

In their motivation the Jury also mention sustainability, ease of use, and the communication possibilities referring to the inside message function:

Boxon - The LM Box

“The LM box is designed in an interesting way that minimizes waste in every part of the production by adjusting its size and construction. A nice box made from recycled material and after it has been easily folded the construction is very rigid. It offers good communication possibilities with customers. It is also user friendly with easy opening and recycling.”

The award also means that the LM-Box now is qualified for the next step as a competitor in the “World Star Global Packaging Award 2022”.

LM box won a ScanStar

Wide range of packaging solutions among the competitors

There was a wide range of good packaging solutions in the competition that represented the packaging industry in general: logistics solutions, food and beverage packaging and gift packaging from both large and small companies in the industry.

The jury considered that the level of the competing entries was high - especially among the transport packaging where there were many solutions that improved both product protection and the user experience.

The LM box is a well-thought-out, stable and somewhat surprising packaging - perfect for e.g. e-commerce. It is easily packed and takes up little space, which facilitates and streamlines handling and logistics for the customer. This plus the fact that it is material-efficient makes it a really good environmental choice - which is the most important thing in the long run. ” says Jonas Lindgren, packaging designer at Boxon.




scanstar2021.pngAbout Scanstar

Scan Star is a joint Nordic packaging competition organized annually since 1969 by the Scandinavian Packaging Association SPA. The contest is open to all packaging solutions designed, converted or used in one of the Nordic countries. Scanstar 2021 was organized by the Swedish Packaging Guild.

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