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News & PR

Highlights of 2023


2023 is coming to an end and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the year that has passed.

It has been a very exciting year at Boxon and we are already looking forward to the next year.

But until then, we will go through the highlights from 2023.



In January, we were awarded Ecovadis Gold for our sustainability work in 2022. Ecovadis Gold is the second highest level and we celebrated this in all our offices.

We entered into an agreement with Öresundskraft in February to offset our climate emissions.

During the spring, we took further steps in our sustainability work and installed 2,400 square meters of solar cells at our warehouse in Helsingborg.

During the year, we held four sustainability webinars for our customers. During these webinars, we discussed different topics, for example sustainable packaging material and how we work with sustainability.

It is important for us to take our social responsibility and during the year we have sponsored: Handball against exclusion, Active School and Violence against women.



In January, Boxon Oy's Boxcor® Corrosion Prevention Box, won a Worldstar Award in the Electronics category.

In May, we launched our new graphical profile, which we implemented during the spring. We chose to leave the red behind and updated our colors, style and logo.

During August, we released our new service, Design and Total Cost Analysis, where our experts help our customers to optimize their packaging flow.



Customer Experience

We are constantly working on getting better and during the year we continued our collaboration with Trustpilot. We also did our annual customer survey. These tools help us get open and honest communication from our customers. We are pleased with our high score in customer satisfaction.



In 2022, Boxon turned 90 years old and in May we celebrated this with a weekend together at Falkenberg Strandbad. Boxonites from all over the world came together and had two days of fun together.

With a long experience from our industry, Fredrik Ståhl took over as the new CEO in August. Both Fredrik and we are looking forward to the journey ahead for Boxon.

In November, our office in Germany has been recognized by the kununu platform as a Top Company 2024. Kununu is a well-known German portal where employees can rate their employer in terms of their satisfaction. Boxon GmbH is among the top 5% of the most popular companies in Germany.



During the autumn, we grew and opened our first office in Thailand, where the focus will be on innovative and sustainable packaging solutions in the region.

In November, Boxon A/S was awarded the prestigious Börsen Gazelle award. The award is given to 1% of the companies in Denmark and we are so proud that the team at Boxon A/S is one of them.


After an exciting year, we are now ready for 2024. We look forward to another year and want to thank you for this one.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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