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News & PR


Eco-fill - a sustainable cushioning material for packaging

The demand for sustainable cushioning material for packaging is increasing. Eco-fill is paper strips made from leftovers from shredded corrugated boxes - perfect for cushioning in all kinds of boxes. Eco-fill can be used over and over again, and is easily recycled together with other corrugated cardboard. 

If you want to build a brand with a strong sustainability profile, Eco-fill is perfect. It is also very nice looking.

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Meet the inventor of Eco-fill, Björn Jarenbäck

Sustainability and innovation go hand in hand at Boxon, and when our employees come up with ideas and suggestions for improvements, we listen!

Björn Jarenbäck works as an Account Manager at Indoor Sales. When he saw that many customers asked for ready-made filling material and that this was missing in the range, he thought:

"For Sustainability reasons, we have chosen to remove "styrofoam chips" from the product range. We needed a new product to replace the previous filling material. Something that was made of sustainable material and could be reused. And that’s how the idea for Eco-fill was born", says Björn.
With this excellent invention, Björn became the innovator of the year at Boxon 2022!
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