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News & PR

Duration to Operation Smile


This year, we choose to support Operation Smile, an international aid organization founded in the USA in 1982 and in Sweden in 2010.

The organization's vision and mission are to ensure a future where all people have access to safe surgery that improves health and quality of life, even in low- and middle-income countries.

Children are born with lip, jaw or cleft palate, as often as every third minute somewhere in the world. Many of these children die or suffer severe malnutrition. Many never go to school.

Operation Smile works to build competence among healthcare workers worldwide to assist as many children as possible in receiving help through surgeries, dental care, speech therapy, and psychological support. Each surgery changes a child's life forever!

This year, Boxon is supporting this important organization by donating 2500 EUR.

Learn more about Operation Smile.

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