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Boxon enters into an agreement with Öresundskraft to offset climate emissions.

Boxon enters into an agreement with Öresundskraft to offset climate emissions.

Öresundskraft wants to separate carbon dioxide from the Filbornaverket in Helsingborg, so-called CCS, and their goal is to remove around 210,000 tons of fossil and biogenic carbon dioxide. This would enable them to offer district heating free from carbon dioxide, as well as negative emissions. 

Boxon is very proud to announce that we have signed an intentional agreement with Öresundskraft regarding the purchase of negative emission certificates. By doing this, we can compensate for climate emissions that are difficult to remove in other ways.

-   Boxon has signed an intentional agreement with Öresundskraft for the annual purchase of 1,000 tonnes of negative CO2 equivalents. "We have done this as we consider CCS to be a complement to other emission-reducing initiatives, such as energy efficiency improvements and reduced use of fossil energy", says Ann-Sofie Gunnarsson, Head of Sustainability at Boxon. She adds:

-    "We have an ambitious sustainability agenda and, through close collaboration with Öresundskraft, we can contribute to achieving the climate goals in Helsingborg, Sweden, and internationally." 

Read more about the agreement and Öresundskraft's work with CCS:



Ann-Soife Gunnarsson, CSO, Boxon
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